Grumpy Cat Papertoy Tribute

Japan Earthquake Relief Project 

"Altruism Through Art, Artruism" 

by Eric Yo

Artists involved in this collaboration:

Shepard Fairey, Adrienne Gates (Stand Up Art), Hirosato Sakuma, Makoto (Human Elements)

The Buddhist Temple of San Diego & Custom Printing


Yuna Paper Doll Collaboration 

Adrienne Gates x Dream Big Friends x Big Shot Toy Works


Treeboy Giant Papertoy 

Gary Ham x Adrienne Gates Collaboration

Treeboy is a wood character originally created by Gary Ham. He kindly adapted the imagery so that I could render a template for large scale printing.

This giant papertoy made its debut at Designercon 2015 | Nice Toys Booth

Howdy Girl For Rowdy Girl

A Papertoy Kawaii Cow!

Simple Happy Kitchen

Mr. Tofu Papertoy

Simple Happy Kitchen x Adrienne Gates

Collaboration Papertoy


DJ Z-Trip Manifest 2017

Jerome Lu x Adrienne Gates

Collaboration Paper Play Set 


Click Images To Visit Artist Sites

Jerome Lu x Stand Up Art Collaboration 


Collaboration Credits: Qbert, Thudrumble & Lex de Azevedo II

Qbert Thudrumble Beedle Papertoy

Papertoy created for DJ Qbert, Collectible Signed Poster From DesignerCon 2015


Designercon "Vince" Papertoy Mascot

Limited Edition Collectible |  Adrienne Gates x Scott Tolleson